Friday, May 24, 2013

It's the Little Things...

I thought I'd write about the small things that make me happy so that if I'm ever down, I can look here and maybe a smile will peak its way out.  So the obvious things like family, friends, travel, etc, they can't be on this list because they're big parts of my life that make me happy.  I want to write about the small things, maybe the things that we sometimes forget, that make me happy.

1. When I think something to myself and inadvertently smile.  (I guess making yourself happy is a bit narcissistic but meh...Sometimes I'm walking and I think something ridiculous and I say to myself, "Katie, that's stupid."  And I giggle)

2. A smile from a stranger.  Ha, I know this is trite.  And I don't mean those lewd smiles gentlemen give you because that is gross.  The other week I was at CVS and this kid in a stroller (who I daresay was too big to be in a stroller, but not my bidness) was throwing a mini-tantrum while his mom or grandma (can't tell age and relation to small child) was getting ready to pay and she wasn't paying him any mind so he looked at me and I looked at him and our eyes locked for a few minutes and he smiled and pointed to something.  Then he said something to me in kid language and I smiled back.  Then his mom had paid and he left. 

3. Perfect grammar on a paper a student hands in.  I know this world is populated with "u"s and "tmw"s and whatnot, but I'm your English teacher and you're writing something for class, not a text.  I like those papers that have good grammar.  Ha, incidentally, I don't mind wanna and gonna in texts but I loathe "u"s...don't know why.  My mom is also a waaaaay cooler texter than I am.  Speaking of...

4. Mom texts make me happy. 

5. When the subway comes right as you show up on the platform.

6. Ha - when the G line comes within 5 minutes on the weekend or at night (I don't think this ever really happens though)

7. Finding a dress under $20 that I really like (ok, fine, it's superficial.   Stop judging)

8. the smell of coffee from Cafe Grumpy when I open the bag of ground coffee to spoon some into my coffee press mug

9. when someone apologizes for being late and actually means it

10. cute little figurines like this:

11. a well-placed witty and cutting retort.  Really only my sister can do this on a regular basis.  Everyone else in my immediate family can but not with the same alacrity.

12. Vegan, gluten-free coconut chocolate cupcakes with frosting a la Cerissa.

13. Making another person food and then they eat everything that I cooked because it was either really good or they were just that hungry.

14. Sometimes, not so much though, there is a really quiet moment either really early in the day or in the afternoon, where everyone seems to have not woken up yet or everyone is taking like a midday siesta, either mentally or literally, and it's just a perfect calm, tranquil moment or two.  I used to get this almost every workday when I would walk to Cafe Grumpy before work to get a macchiato or a latte but then I stopped waking up early so that doesn't really happen anymore.  But it was super nice when it did.

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